How much does it cost to make a website like Myntra

eCommerce Troika Tech sites have become the necessity of any company. With the wide usage of the internet, it has become the best place to spread a word. All sorts of services are available on the internet and to grow the business large every big and small company. The eCommerce Troika Tech Best Ecommerce Ecommerce Website Development Services development has helped the companies to expand themselves beyond the local boundaries and make their business large. But before you go for this service, you must understand that it is not so simple and easy as it seems to be. In fact eCommerce Troika Tech b development needs proper planning, designing and implementation. The use of proper scripting language and CMS is also important and no one knows the languages better than a PHP professional. Troika Tech ll when it finally comes to the development of a Troika Tech Best Ecommerce Ecommerce Website Development Services then the ultimate question which lies in front of a company or a person is the selection of a right way to get it build. In this case you don't have to rack your brains much since there are lots of offshore companies which are dedicated in building eCommerce Troika Tech Best Ecommerce Websitess and can provide you with the most veritable eCommerce Troika Tech b solutions. Your work is to find out a good one and then convey your ideas to them and you'll get the desired results.
To get an ecommerce Troika Tech Best Ecommerce Ecommerce Website Development Services design it is very important to study the market strategy, the competition among major candidates and the business goals and then the one should move for Troika Tech Best Ecommerce Ecommerce Website Development Services development. Honestly telling an ecommerce Troika Tech Best Ecommerce Ecommerce Website Development Services design is much more than just putting the company brochure on the net or adding an internet shopping cart to the existing product catalog. One can actually find many Troika Tech Best Ecommerce Ecommerce Website Development Services on internet that can help with ecommerce and have great Troika Tech b design information. Ecommerce Troika Tech b development is an art everyone is trying to perfect. It must provide an intuitive and streamlined purchasing experience; its success relies on that one single phrase "Streamlined purchasing experience". That is why "build it and they will come" principle no longer applies. There are plenty of Troika Tech Best Ecommerce Ecommerce Website Development Services tools like shopping carts, content management systems, payment processors and advertising management tools. Some are cheap, others are expensive. Costs are important considerations for any e-Commerce Troika Tech b site design solution. It is possible to purchase Troika Tech b site tools and services by subscription. There is no need to make long term commitments with subscription software or services. Troika Tech love working on eCommerce projects as it allows us to spring our full capabilities to action. Starting with Planning and Strategy to Design and Usability Development and Testing and finally Integrated Marketing. Choosing Shopping Cart Software In this article Troika Tech 're reviewing open source PHP-based ecommerce solutions. PHP is chosen as there are many such e commerce solutions available and they are cheap to customize. By using an open source solution you don't have to reinvent the wheel and build everything from scratch and all these solutions can be customized to give your online store a unique look. Statistics from show that Magento has grown much faster than Commerce during the past 2-3 years so it's reasonable to assume that Magento is a more popular choice among those with no prior experience of ecommerce Troika Tech Best Ecommerce Ecommerce Website Development Services development, while there is a group who is sticking to ecommerce, probably because they are used to the system. Statistics from Google shows that Magneto overtook ecommerce in terms of search popularity in early 2009.Disadvantages:Lack of features and sensible features installed by default which are required to run a big and serious ecommerce site Old type of coding structure (no MVC framework) making an ecommerce solution with lots of extra features difficult to manage Uglier default design and table-dependent layout which is less search engine friendly.
Great-Troika Tech design. Com Troika Tech come back this is the second part of our builder 1 page scrolling bootstrap Troika Tech we Best Ecommerce Ecommerce Website Development Services in the last part Troika Tech shoTroika Tech d you where to download all the files for this one page scrolling site that Troika Tech 've got here so let's have a quick look at what Troika Tech 've got here I've got a CSS folder that's where all our CSS is going on that's the default CSS for those of you that don't know CSS cascading style sheets or what is used to actually style the site as the word says you know the padding and the color the size of the font etc and that's the default bootstrap here and that's a minified version of it there which means it just loads quicker here's the file will actually be working with when Troika Tech start customizing our site the scrolling now there if Troika Tech go back herein the fonts folder Troika Tech 've got a glyph icon SPAC and that's icons that Troika Tech can use within our site and Troika Tech 'll be doing that a little later on I may decide to download font troika Tech some because I prefer it javascript JavaScript iswhat makes things actions have long pages for instance the scrolling that’s all done with JavaScript here opening and closing models and things like that’s all done with JavaScript here Troika Tech won't be editing much of this in fact I don’t think Troika Tech 'll end up editing any of this at all the index. Html file because it’s HTML file this is the one where Troika Tech working on all the time this is the the file for our whole site and if you double click on that one it'll open up this in our browser which is the bare bones of the site that Troika Tech 're going to reworking on that license Troika Tech covered last time always read the license if you download the template make sure you're okay to use it and there's a readme files Troika Tech ll that you can open with brackets and have a look at so Troika Tech 're all good Togo here Troika Tech check the license Troika Tech can use this no problem at all first thing I'm actually gonna do is I'm gonna create one more folder so I'm just creating a new folder I'm gonna call it IMG for images might want to spell that right right mg you can call your to whatever you want but I suggest you callit that same as me if you want to follow along with the links Troika Tech 're gonna build later on okay so what Troika Tech need to do first is open up our index. Html file in our brackets text editor software and here Troika Tech are for those of you that don’t have the bracket so I'll leave a link to it below it's free software please download it and install it it'll enable you to follow along a lot easier so here's our index file basically thisis our whole site this is the HTML for our whole site Troika Tech 'll be building on thisto create our site and Troika Tech 'll just go through it in do type HTML the languages English character set utf-8 which is the Troika Tech stern character set these are just people telling it to scale to the size of the screen which makes it responsive many name description that's quite important there in bet Troika Tech en these two inverted commas there you want a description from for your site and for search purposes a Google description really doesn't want to be more than about a hundred and sixty characters now I'll just paste it in here just paste itin here and this is what's going to show up in your Google or Bing searches I'll just show you if I bring up a browser here’s Google search and see my business is down here somewhere this is what its gonna the description how it's going to appear in the Google search so it’s quite important and you really want to do that one the author there you can put your own name or whoever you want to do I'm gonna add one more right here now there’s a lot of people that say nowadays Google doesn't really give keywords don't really care for much on Google but I don't think you can do any harm especially if people are using a different search engine so if Troika Tech put this in here and all this code that Troika Tech 're writing today don't worry about copying it because I'll provide a PDF of what Troika Tech 're doing each day below thevideo and you can link to it and download it use it hoTroika Tech ver you wish so here's where you put your keywords let's say Troika Tech 're doing a site about photography and get your photography keywords and just paste them in there just comma separate them you get the idea I won't continue doing that you don't want to overstuff everybody you can certainly put a few keywords in there and you can also put your zip code or the location of your business as Troika Tech ll that doesn't hurt at all title here Troika Tech see title here you want to put the the title of your site your business name or whatever it is you're promoting I'm just look for my one page and what this is it's what's going to appear at the top of the search of your browser up here for instance scrolling now it says at the moment Troika Tech ll if I save this just to ctrl s to save or you can go up to file and hit save and then refresh this you'll see that change to scrolling there or whatever it was I just put in one page scrolling there Troika Tech are one page scrolling and the next thing Troika Tech want to do you see the Google little icon there it's called a favicon a favicon Troika Tech want to put one in for our site that's just a little image usually it's 16 by 16 pixels nowadays with these iPads and Retina or any things you can put different ones in there but I'm just going to put the the one little work on Google Firefox and exploring so let's add our favicon Troika Tech created this little image folder just now now Troika Tech 're going to start to use it I've got a little favicon that I created earlier I'll justpaste it in there and all it is is a I just changed the view there so you can see it all it is is a 16 pix by 16 pics image and I've made a little JPEG I've Called it five or faith so I put that in our image folder here that Troika Tech created earlier now if Troika Tech go back to our bracket software all Troika Tech need to do is put a link to that in there so just after these key words that Troika Tech out there it's telling it what it is and again I'll I'll put a PDF of this below this thing so you don't you can copy and paste it into your should you want to do this and this is the actual link to it it's prompting us here already and it's in the image folder which Troika Tech just created and there it is it's the and all images must have an alt tag and what the alt tag does is it tells people that a hearing aids sight impaired it'll actually read it out to them what it is and also it's great you can put keywords as old tags as Troika Tech ll to help site SEO if you need to I just call it icon and that's it should link to our little favicon icon there you see when Troika Tech mouse over it it's actually brought that little thing up it's made it look very blurry because it's bringing it up large but if I just say that now if you look up in the left-hand corner here you'll see a little dot by our index. Html file if you see that there usually means that you've not saved you've made a change and you've not saved it so I'm going to hit control s and save it that goes away now now if Troika Tech go back to our page and refresh you keep your eye up here but our little favicon should be there when Troika Tech refresh there it is just to tell you what's going on Troika Tech 've done the title there down below CSS bootstrap this is pulling in the style sheet for the bootstrap and it's styling our site with the default bootstrap there this is that scrolling nav CSS file it's pulling in and telling it to look in there for our styles and Troika Tech 'll be updating that as Troika Tech go along and this is the end of the head tag so none of this really shows on the site itself apart from this and that in the tab now here's the meat here's the body the start of the body where are Troika Tech going to start to customize our site these are now far that Troika Tech can see there so that will wrap it up for this video been going on a bit too long now but in the next one Troika Tech 'll actually start to style our make it look good once again this has been Jamie from system 22and great Troika Tech b design comm. if you're enjoying this please subscribe to our Channel thanks for watching I'll see you in the next video Oh.
Over the last 3 years I've been asked the same question over and over again by our clients ''how do Troika Tech sell our products or services online?''This article will examine the underlying technologies for dealing with online ordering. E-commerce from first principles To start with let's look at the very basic components of selling services online and processing payments. Troika Tech can break the process down into four key steps from a development perspective: Collect the order details from the client Get the order details to the merchant Process credit card transactions Order fulfillment Step 1 - Get the order details Troika Tech need a form on the Troika Tech we Best Ecommerce Ecommerce Website Development Services that allows the user to provide all the information that is needed for the order to be processed. At the minimum this will include: Contact information Product or service selection Payment details If Troika Tech are requesting credit card details from the client then it is important that it is done in a secure fashion. Secure Socket Layer (or SSL) is the defect standard for doing this and is supported by most Troika Tech b hosting providers. Step 2 - Get the order details to the merchant The order information collected can either be stored in an online database (at the hosting company) or sent via email directly to the merchant. If the order details include credit card details then sending this information via email might not be such a good idea. Step 3 - Process credit card transactions There are a number of third party payment providers in the market that can handle credit card processing on your behalf. The integration task is much the same as an Internet payment gateway but in some cases merchant services do not need to be established with a bank. Step 4 - Order fulfillment Whilst order fulfillment is obviously not the role of a Troika Tech Best Ecommerce Ecommerce Website Development Services developer or controlled by the ordering process it is worth considering. The type of product or service being supplied may determine the most appropriate type of payment processing solution. For example, if the client is buying a complex service that is typically low in volume but of high value, or which requires intensive manual involvement to produce or ship, the amount of time that can be saved by a fully automated payment processing system may not justify its development. Getting the credit card details to the merchant and processing them manually might be a perfectly good solution. On the other hand if an electronic service is being provided (eg selling domain names online) which is of high volume and relatively low value, which has the capacity to be fully automated then there are many more benefits to be had from a fully automated payment system. Getting an ecommerce website up for someone who has never done online business may seem like a huge task. Really, it is not all that difficult and it does not have to be real expensive. I will tell you the steps that you should take in order to get started with your ecommerce store!Step 1: Business PlanObviously, before you can build a website you need to know what you want on it. A business plan does not need to have an official look or be anything special. Simply opening up notepad and writing down your thoughts will be very beneficial later on down the road in the setup process. This is the stage to determine what products you will want to sell and if you want to have any unique or special features on your website. Write down everything you can think of and organize it in some manner. Step 2: Website DesignNow that you know the direction you want your website to go, it is time to talk to a designer. Chances are, local designers will be fairly expensive, but probably more reliable in terms of completing the job. I personally prefer to use online contacts to get website designs completed. Websites like and are great places to find a very affordable website design. You can also do a search on your favorite search engine to find great webmaster forums where all sorts of talented people are wanting your business.The biggest thing you will want to see from a designer is their portfolio. All designers have different styles and talents and you will want to find one that has the same type of style that you have envisioned in your mind. Your designer will need to know what you have in your business plan. Those special features and ideas should be brought up to him so that if they need to be incorporated then they will be. Most good designers can probably complete this process for $50.00 to $150.00.Step 3: Website CodingIn terms of website coding, I would say this is where you want to spend the majority of your money. Technically, you could break this step into two steps where you hire a XHTML / CSS coder and then a PHP coder. This can sometimes be a daunting way of doing things though and you should probably just try to find one person who can do it all. Just like the website designer, the coder will need to know what features you expect to see on the end result. You need to be extremely descriptive to ensure you get what you are looking for. At this point, you should now have a working website. You will need to find a good web hosting company that will be used to keep your website online 24 hours a day and hopefully point you in the right direction in how to bring in potential customers.

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